The Sandwich What better place to start, than with the humble sandwich. Known as a sandwich to most, referred to as a butty, or buttie, in the north of England (probably a derivative of buttered bread), the sandwich is quite simply two or more pieces of bread, with one or more fillings in between. It can be hot or cold, depending on the bread, the filling and personal preference. A History The history of the sandwich goes back much further than the 4 th Earl of Sandwich. There is evidence of people using bread with meat and fish as far back as the early Neolithic period (9400 B.C.) Jewish religious leader and sage Hiller the Elder (110 B.C. - 10 A.D.) is said to have eaten paschal lamb and herbs between two pieces of matzah (a Jewish unleavened bread, which is eaten during passover) During the three periods of the Middle Ages (5th century until 15th century), there are many accounts of people using trenchers. A trencher was originally a large slab of stale bread, u...