Mega Fast Meals

Mega Fast Meals Modern living, especially in this economic climate, means that finding the time to cook a meal, or just a bite to eat, can prove to be quite difficult. With a little bit of planning, or just thinking ahead, it isn't as difficult or time-consuming as it seems. The two main points to observe are, firstly, after a heavy day, you don't have the energy, or the inclination to prep and cook a meal. Especially if you live alone. Secondly, every-time you look in the cupboards or fridge, there seems to be nothing there. Ok, its Friday night, you've just finished work, and after a quick shower and change of clothes, your out on the town. A meal in the pub, or a side trip to the chip shop is always on the cards. But on a Tuesday night, in the middle of the week, not going anywhere, and skint, it's a micro meal and crap tv. Unless you decide to make a few small changes. Microwave meals, as stated on the nutrition label that is on the packaging,...