Sauces Cooking is an enjoyable pastime for some, and a passion for others. A lot of people cook just to eat, usually because they don't have the interest, or skills, or just don't have an adequate kitchen. It is usually a revelation when people find out how easy it can be to create your favourite restaurant dishes at home. Most meals that are served in restaurant's and gastro pubs are basically peasant food, simple to make from readily available ingredients. For example, goulash, stroganoff, fish n chips, bangers n mash, steak n ale pie, shepherds pie, mousaka and ratatouille. Even the humble ploughmans lunch is bought rather than made, raking in a huge profit for the retailer. One of the simple ways of making a simple dish into something different is to try different sauces. The best example for this is, of course, pasta. You decide to make a pasta dish and you make a pasta sauce, its usually tomato based, because it's easiest to ma...