Vegetarian and Meat-Free

Vegetarian and Meat-Free I ' ve been looking into Vegetarian dishes for quite some time, as my daughter was unable to eat meat after giving birth. She was never one for red meat anyway, but now cannot eat any kind of meat or fish. When I cook a meal for the family, I sometimes cook four completely different meals, but most of the time I cook the same for everyone, which can be challenging when it's something like a Roast Dinner, and there is a veggie in the fray. There are two types here, there is Vegetarian, where the meal has been designed with vegetarians in mind, and there is Meat-free, where the meat of an established dish has been replaced with non-meat ingredients. But in saying that, it's not wrong to say Vegetarian L asagne as opposed to saying Meat-free Lasagne. It really doesn't matter, just don't mix up vegetarian with vegan, they are two completely different things. The basic rule of thumb is to simple depart any meat, so when cooki...